Wednesday, January 18, 2012

Greetings to all.....This is Heidi, Mahdi's mother. What I am about to share is sacred information. Please treat it as that and share it only with those people who are spiritually aligned with this information I am in deep surrender. Mahdi crossed over to the spirit world 22 days ago. I am going between deep grief, mourning, disbelief, blame, why AND spiritual enlightenment. I have been working on my relationship with Mahdi in very special ways. I hear him. In my home, we sense him through various ways in our house, mostly involving electricity. I get vibrational messages in my body and I often put out my sacred journal in the wee hours of the night to hear his messages and I write them down. Mahdi fell into the abyss of spirit....his buddha nature, his fragile lotus bud of an enlightened being who was in the world, but not of the world, chose to enter a different realm. He lived his life for twenty one years. He was so brave and did something so huge. The last message he left us was to not fight and that he will not allow that drama anymore. His fall was like an exclamation point, a sumarai sword that cut through my heart and opened it into a new understanding. He emphasized this message in a way that has changed my life for ever. When one looks death in the eye, one is thrown totally into the understanding that nothing else exists except your inner being. Mahdi left his body and went into pure consciousness. This is sacred and I need to honor this. I am still in the world now and yet I am in another world sith him as well. I am walking between two worlds. I am finding that I need to pamper myself, wear soft clothes, listen to beautiful sounds, surround myself with beautiful smells and sights ....Mahdi has given me and those who choose to understand what has happened, a great gift of leaving his body so we can understand and know the divinity in each and everyone of us. I am in a special place in my life now. In this special place, I am giving birth to my sons spirit. I am giving birth in a way I had never imagined in my wildest dreams. My body is opening in a divine way as I release his body into spirit, as I recognize that the form of his body is no longer available to me and that his essence, his spirit is what I am being called to birth into the spirit world, In so doing this, I, too, am being born into spirit in a way that is hard to put into words. In this place of spirit, I am envisioning a sacred healing, education and performance center that holds the tastes, smells and sounds of this sacredness. This is what I am calling the Mahditation Center. I am sending out the message through spirit for all who are attracted to join us. I am not forcing it, I am allowing it. I am listening to messages and following guides. The details of the many ways I have been doing that are too great to put on this blog. Just know that I will continue this journey and invite all who are called to join me. The next event that will channel this sacred spiritual energy is a birthday celebration for Mahdi, whose body would turn 22 years old on February 23rd, 2012. We will have that celebration of light at a place still not determined on February 25th. If you are called to be there....follow this blog or facebook DNE or Heidi McClure for updates. You can also get more information about me and my journey prior to this on my website That website is having trouble updating to this new place, so currently this blog is the best source for learning about developments with the Mahditation Center. I surrender to the unfolding of this process and invite you to do the same if called to.

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